Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly themed blog hop created by The Broke and the Bookish and now hosted at That Artsy Reader Girl.
This Week's Topic: Last 10 Books That Gave Me a Book Hangover
There is no better feeling in the world than that of a good book hangover. Unfortunately, it is a feeling I've experienced less and less in the past few years, though I'm hoping a turnaround is nigh. The first three books on this list I've read in 2020. Even if they were mild hangovers, the feeling being back is still exciting.
In Order of Recency:
Wow, compiling this list forced me to remember the Dark Reading Time of 2018. I knew it was bad while it was happening, but going back and looking at the stats was kind of shock. And there are zero books from that year on this list.
And I want to take this time to give a shoutout to the book that caused the most epic book hangover of my life. It lasted for WEEKS, and the first few days I was completely useless.
This Week's Topic: Last 10 Books That Gave Me a Book Hangover
There is no better feeling in the world than that of a good book hangover. Unfortunately, it is a feeling I've experienced less and less in the past few years, though I'm hoping a turnaround is nigh. The first three books on this list I've read in 2020. Even if they were mild hangovers, the feeling being back is still exciting.
In Order of Recency:
Wow, compiling this list forced me to remember the Dark Reading Time of 2018. I knew it was bad while it was happening, but going back and looking at the stats was kind of shock. And there are zero books from that year on this list.
And I want to take this time to give a shoutout to the book that caused the most epic book hangover of my life. It lasted for WEEKS, and the first few days I was completely useless.
I have a feeling I will be chasing the feeling of those few days the rest of my life and never experience it again.
What recent reads have given you a book hangover? Is there any book that has ever given you a massive hangover?
You liked Speak Easy Speak Love that much, huh? I bounced hard off the first chapter and took it back from the library, but I very much wanted to like it. Maybe I'll give it another try.