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Showing posts from December, 2018

Favorite Reads of 2018

Woooowww. This has been a LONG year. How long? When I was going through my highest rated books on Goodreads, I was floored to realized the last Penderwick book came out this year. It feels longer. Here are my top reads of the year. These books were truly something because they pulled me out of my funk long enough to actually read them AND enjoy them. Links are to my reviews   A Sky Full of Stars by Linda Williams Jackson The Lost Books: The Scroll of Kings  by Sarah Prineas  The Girl with the Dragon Heart  by Stephanie Burgis (Review Coming!) The Penderwicks at Last by Jeanne Birdsall Patina  by Jason Reynolds  Free Fall  by Emma Barry & Genevieve Turner Murder, Magic, and What We Wore  by Kelly Jones Shadowhouse Fall  by Daniel José Older What are your favorite reads from this past year? 

Hello! I'm Still Here

Hey everyone! It's been a while. This has been a year in which I read very few new to me books. And I just haven't had the energy or desire to write. Honestly it's been a year where I've been able to do very little of what I love. The end of December is often a time of reflection, and as I reflect over this past year, I wonder where it all went, and what I was doing with myself. Teaching. Getting back into the groove of that and working with my own kids are definitely the good parts of this year. Other than that... I think I was just finally reacting to the stress of that past few years. We moved houses three times in three years, states twice, and lost both of my husband's parents in that time. I think all of that finally caught up with me and just consumed...everything. Don't get me wrong. A lot of wonderful things happened this year too. I was able to see Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, and Mean Girls in New York City while spending an amazing time with my ...