Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly themed blog hop created by The Broke and the Bookish and now hosted at That Artsy Reader Girl.
This Week's Topic: Childhood Favorites
For the purposes of this list, I'm ending my childhood at 6th grade, which was the end of elementary school for me.
We begin with the books I apparently made my parents hate by demanding they be read so many times:
Now the ones I read independently beginning in 2nd grade and reread until they fell apart. (In the order in which I read them.)

Out of these independently read books 5/8 are still favorites. Any guesses as to which three are not? (Two I'm nostalgically fond of even if I realize they are Not That Great™️.)
What's your favorite childhood book? Did you have a favorite that makes you cringe to think about it now?
This Week's Topic: Childhood Favorites
For the purposes of this list, I'm ending my childhood at 6th grade, which was the end of elementary school for me.
We begin with the books I apparently made my parents hate by demanding they be read so many times:
Now the ones I read independently beginning in 2nd grade and reread until they fell apart. (In the order in which I read them.)

Out of these independently read books 5/8 are still favorites. Any guesses as to which three are not? (Two I'm nostalgically fond of even if I realize they are Not That Great™️.)
What's your favorite childhood book? Did you have a favorite that makes you cringe to think about it now?